Ros Spencer Poetry Prize

A poetry contest from WA Poets Inc. (WAPI) dedicated to the memory of Ros Spencer and supported by Geoff Spencer and family.

“Ros was the architect of the life we built together. 

She was a complex woman. Grey did not appear on her palette. Words were not wasted. 

Life was about saying it as it was – uncompromising, direct. She could disarm you with that smile, wither you with a “look”. 

Fiercely protective, family was her cornerstone – with some cracks around the edges …

Grief is isolating. It is the loneliest and most bewildering thing I’ve ever done. The love and support of family initiates the long process of healing. You reach out to express the crushing pain of deep loss and this expression was, for me, and I would think many others, the beginning of the long road back. That ‘blank piece of paper’, my mind, put words together, and they became poems which I had to share.” Geoff Spencer

The contest seeks original and unpublished* poems of up to 60 lines, of any theme, for an opportunity to be published in the biennial anthology Brushstrokes. Click here for details