Poetry Patrons

WA Poets Inc (WAPI) would like to grow into the future with Poetry Patrons who share our values and dreams. As a foundation Poetry Patron, WAPI will give you or your company first option to continue playing a significant part in the development of poetry in Western Australia. 

Poetry Patrons are individuals and/or organisations with an interest in supporting the arts and poetry in particular. Poetry Patrons share WAPI’s passion and commitment to poetry and provide essential funds to finance projects and other objectives of WAPI. Tax deductible donations by Poetry Patrons can currently be made through WAPI’s ACF campaigns.

The aim is to secure patronage for WAPI in one of the five categories:

Platinum Poetry Patron
Gold Poetry Patron
Silver Poetry Patron
Bronze Poetry Patron
Poetry Prize Patron

All Patrons will be included in marketing and promotional material that will be circulated widely and promoted online.  Opportunities to offer patronage not only for 2021 but for subsequent years are encouraged.  

To download an introductory booklet to Poetry Patrons, click on:

Platinum Poetry Sponsor

City of Perth
WAPI gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the City of Perth through its Arts Grants for the annual Perth Poetry Festival and other WAPI events.

Platinum Poetry Patron

WAPI is grateful for the anonymous donation of $5,000 from our inaugural Platinum Poetry Patron.

Poetry Prize Patrons

WAPI welcomes Poetry Patrons willing to offer a significant prize pool for a named award. As a Poetry Prize Patron, you will be engaged in advancing the development of poets and poetry in Western Australia.  This is an integral role.  WAPI’s goal is to be the premier Poetry Award in Australia and internationally recognized for quality.  

Geoff Spencer and Family
WAPI thankfully acknowledges the contribution from Geoff Spencer and Family in support of the Ros Spencer Poetry Prize