Paper Bark Haiku Group

The Paper Bark (formerly Mari Warabiny) Haiku Group on Facebook is for people living anywhere who enjoy haiku and its related forms. This group is for discussions, and sharing of information on events, competitions, publications, resources, successes, – about haiku and related forms.

Please do not post your own haiku, or any haiku, unless they are part of a book launch, journal, contest, essay or other haiku-related information.

You can join the email group by sending an email to:

We have three lists from that email address:

  1. Events,
  2. Information,
  3. Feedback.

You can be on one or all three lists. Please note: Paper Bark events are all held in Western Australia.

Administrators: Maureen Sexton, Barry Sanbrook, Rose Van Son, Samar Ghose, Tash Adams and Melissa Moffat. Our thanks go to Meryl Manoy for her past contributions, we were saddened by her recent passing.

Follow Paper Bark on facebook, click here

Mari Warabiny are Nyungar words meaning ‘Billowing Clouds’.